TeleHealth General Information

TeleHealth allows patients to have a secure consultation with Dr Renaut using an internet-based video and audio platform. It will be the same as having a consultation in his office without being physically present. Dr Renaut will not be able to perform a physical examination, which maybe required at a later date. It is intended for:

  • New and follow-up patients living in remote areas
  • New and follow-up patients living in Metropolitan Brisbane but far enough away from Dr Renaut’s office to make a consultation in person difficult. This applies to patients who are relatively infirm or where transport into the centre of Brisbane would be difficult
  • New patients who wish to have a general discussion about their condition before deciding if they need to attend in person for a physical examination
  • Follow-up patients who feel that a physical examination will not be necessary
  • The obvious advantages are that it will save on time and the cost of travelling to Dr Renaut’s office.
  • Brisbane Surgeon utilises GoToMeeting – this is a reputable and secure web-based video conferencing platform.


Initial Consultation: $100
Review Consultation: $75

In the event that an examination is subsequently deemed necessary then the balance of the normal consultation fee will be payable ie $95 for an initial consultation and $20 for a review consultation. The usual additional charge of $150 will apply if a sigmoidoscopy is performed at either the initial or review consultation.

What do I need to access my TeleHealth Consultation?

You will require a PC or Mac (desktop or laptop) or mobile device (iPad or smart phone) that has built in video and audio functions or is connected to similar external devices. An internet connection sufficient to handle video is also required, e.g.: a standard ADSL connection. You can check that these facilities are operating normally on your computer by doing a simple test using Skype or FaceTime with a friend beforehand. Alternatively, call to speak to Brisbane Surgeon administration staff, who can talk you through a test ahead of your consultation.

What is the process?

Dr Renaut is available for TeleHealth consultations at dedicated times.

A referral from your GP or referring specialist is required as per usual.

If you would like to make an appointment for a TeleHealth Consultation, please contact reception on (07) 3831 9322.

Alternatively, you can review the Appointments section of the website and make a realtime booking via the Patient Portal – ensure you select “TeleHealth Consultation”.

You will be emailed a confirmed time and “Meeting ID” number (otherwise known as “Access Code”) to access your consultation.

A little before your appointment time follow the “Attend a Booked Consultation” instructions listed in the section below.

How to attend a previously booked TeleHealth Consultation

To attend a Booked TeleHealth Consultation, click the “Meet Now” button at the bottom of this page.

You will be taken to the GoToMeeting website where you will be prompted to enter your 9 Digit number – e.g.: 123-456-789.

Once this is entered into the GoToMeeting website form a number of automated steps will be initiated – simply be patient and wait for the process to complete.

First-time users will be prompted to install the GoToMeeting Client (or a free Pad / iPhone app, depending on your preferred device) when you connect with your consultation.

There should be a minimum of interaction required on your part.

Eventually the GoToMeeting software will appear and will automatically attempt to join the meeting.

Note: You may be required to click the “Share My Webcam” button within the app to start using video.

Both parties (Dr Renaut and the Patient) need to successfully join the meeting session before the Consultation can start.