Anal Skin Tag Excision
Pre-operative Preparation for a Anal Skin Tag Excision procedure
You will need to administer a Mircolax enema approximately 1-1.5 hours prior to your procedure. From midnight through to 2 hours prior to the procedure you can drink water only and from then on, until after the procedure you must be nil by mouth. You should take your normal medications as usual with a sip of water unless specifically directed otherwise.
On most occasions the excision of anal skin tags are done in the office under local anaesthesia and therefore don’t require any preparation in terms of fasting prior to the excision.
You will need to administer a Mircolax enema approximately 1-1.5 hours prior to your procedure. From midnight through to 2 hours prior to the procedure you can drink water only and from then on, until after the procedure you must be nil by mouth. You should take your normal medications as usual with a sip of water unless specifically directed otherwise.
On most occasions the excision of anal skin tags are done in the office under local anaesthesia and therefore don’t require any preparation in terms of fasting prior to the excision.
Post-operative Care following a Anal Skin Tag Excision procedure
After the administration of either local or general anaesthesia, the tags are simply excised and the wounds are closed with simple absorbable sutures. If performed under general anaesthesia the patient is usually well enough to go home the same day.
It is inevitable that you will experience some discomfort in the anal region following your surgery. The area will have been injected with some local anaesthetic but this will wear off within a couple of hours. Before this happens, we suggest you get some painkillers on board, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Take these at regular intervals over for the first 48hrs, then take as required.
Bowel activity
It is important to maintain normal bowel activity after the surgery. Opening your bowels will increase the level of discomfort initially and it is important to keep yourself regular with an intake of adequate fibre. You should also drink plenty of water. If you feel that you are getting constipated then a fibre supplement such as Metamucil, Mucilax or Normocol should suffice.
A small amount of bleeding in the first two or three days may be expected, particularly with defaecation. If it appears excessive, then simply apply some pressure with a pad for 15-20mins.
You may experience swelling in the peri-anal region for the first few days but this will subside in due course.
Wound Care
The healing of the wound can be aided by cleaning the wound with soap and water in the shower, particularly after defaecation. Bathing the area in a warm salt bath may help your level of discomfort but probably won’t alter the way the area heals. Any sutures will dissolve by themselves within a week or so. If you think they have fallen out prematurely don’t panic – the wound will heal by itself.
Physical Activity (including sexual activity)
Resuming physical activity is up to the individual and is a matter of common sense. Certainly moving around the house going for short walks in the first couple of days is desirable. Anything more than this could cause discomfort. An increase in the level of activity should be guided by the level of discomfort. You should be able to resume your normal day-to-day activities within a few days – as long as this does not include marked exertion. You should be able to return to the gym or similar activities within a couple of weeks.
Follow up
Dr Renaut does not routinely see his patients for this procedure post-operatively as in the vast majority of cases it is not required. However, if you feel at any stage that your recovery is not progressing as you would anticipate, then please feel free to contact his office.