Femoral Hernia Repair

Pre-operative Preparation for a Femoral Hernia Repair procedure

There is some important information about the pre-operative preparation for this procedure. It is imperative that you read this.


A femoral hernia repair is performed under general anaesthesia. An incision is made in the groin on the affected side. Dissection is made down to the femoral canal. Any herniating fat is resected and the defect causing the herniation closed with non-absorbable sutures. There is no requirement for replacement of mesh. The wound is closed in layers with absorbable sutures (that do not need to be take out). Long acting local anaesthetic is injected into the wound which is then covered with a dressing. The patient is transferred to the recovery room and then either to day surgery if going home the same day or to the ward if staying overnight.

Post-operative Care following a Femoral Hernia Repair procedure

There is some very useful information regarding your care following this procedure and it is important that you take time to read it.

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