Perianal Abscess Incision and Drainage
Pre-operative Preparation for a Perianal Abscess Incision and Drainage procedure
There is some important information about the pre-operative preparation for this procedure. It is imperative that you read this.
Perianal abscess requires formal incision of the abscess to allow drainage of the pus. The operation is performed under general anaesthesia. A cruciate incision is made through the skin allowing the free drainage of pus. The abscess cavity is thoroughly irrigated. A small plastic drain is placed through the wound and this allows continued drainage of pus that may otherwise collect over the following two to three days. A pad is placed over the wound.
Post-operative Care following a Perianal Abscess Incision and Drainage procedure
Following your procedure there are a number of things of which you need to be aware.
It is inevitable that you will experience some discomfort following your surgery in the region of where the perianal abscess has been performed. As it is a relatively small incision this discomfort should be no greater than the pain you were experiencing. Long acting local anaesthetic will have been injected into the wound but after a few hours this effect will wear off. Before it does so it is important to have some pain killers on board and to continue these on a regular basis. You will be sent home with some pain killers – my preference is either Panadeine Forte or Nurofen. I recommend that you take these initially on a regular basis as directed on the packet. After about 48hrs it should be necessary to take these only as required.
Bowel activity
The bowels will work normally although may take a day or two for them to start.
A small amount of bleeding in the first two or three days is not unexpected, particularly with defaecation. If it appears excessive then simply apply some pressure with a gauze pad for 15-20mins.
You may experience swelling in the perianal region lasting for a few days but this will subsided of its own accord in due course.
Wound Care
The dressing needs to be changed once a day or more often if it soaks through. The dressing should be removed and the area kept clean with soap and water in the shower, at least twice daily.
Physical Activity (including sexual activity)
Resuming physical activity is largely one of common sense. Certainly moving around the house and going for short walks in the first couple of days is desirable. Anything more than this will be destined to cause more discomfort. An increase in the level of activity should be guided by the level of discomfort. You should be able to resume your normal day to day activities within a few days, so long as this does not include marked exertion. You should however be able to return to the gym or similar activities within a couple of weeks.
Follow up
Dr Renaut will see you in his office on the second or third post-operative day to remove the drain at which point the wound is once again simply dressed until it is dry.